Design Principles - Lectures notes
Week 01 - 03 (04/1/2022- 20/1/2022)
Lean See Phing |0353393
Design Principle| Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Fig 1.0: Thumbnail |
Topic 1.1: Introduction to Elements and Principles of Design
Fig 1.1.2: 3D shape formed by dots. |
(b) Static
(c) Aggressive/ Passive
(b) movement
(c) form pattern/ texture/ solid masses
Fig 1.1.3: Different types of line |
Fig 1.1.4: Movement showed by line. |
Fig 1.1.6: Organic shapes |
Fig 1.1.7: Geometric shapes |
Fig 1.1.8: Three dimensional form |
Fig 1.1.12: Implied texture |
Fig 1.1.16: Colour spectrum |
Fig 1.1.17: Value on the color wheel |
Fig 1.1.18: Intensity |
Fig 1.1.19: Three color schemes |
Fig 1.2.1: Contrast (Large vs Small) |
Fig 1.2.4: Similar triangle shape. |
Fig 1.2.5: Example of Continuation #1 |
Fig 1.2.6: Example of Continuation #2 |
Fig 1.2.7: Example of Closure |
Fig 1.2.9: Example of Figure-ground #1 |
Fig 1.2.10: Example of Figure-ground #2 |
Fig 1.2.11: Example of symmetry and order |
Fig 2.0:
Approximate balance. |
Fig 2.1: Bilateral balance |
Fig 2.2: Asymmetrical balance. |
Fig 2.5: Example of dominance |
Fig 3.0: Repetition of deity with variety |
Fig 3.1: Movement of the sea |
Fig 3.3: Hierarchy design. |
Fig 4.0: Harmony design with the same theme. |
Fig 4.1: Unity design with the same color |
Without any lectures, this week will be primarily focused on the tutorial of the exercise, in which students are able to present their work or sketch for Dr. Charles and ask for any doubts about the exercise, as well as receive feedback from Dr. Charles. Then, conduct some class activity.
Class activity (11/1/2022)
Activity 1
Song 1: Dream Dust
My perception: I personally feel that there is someone dancing in the midst of the desert but not in a pleasant mood but with perhaps some evil thoughts.
Final outcome:
I utilized a simple line and drew it in the middle, then filled light and dark browns with the two organic shapes divided by the line to create a desert. At the same time, I drew a stickman (since the rule for our work was no complex shapes) to portray someone dancing over the top of the desert.
Activity 2
Song: Future Horizon
My perception: For this, I actually sensed a very futuristic vibe in this song, but as a girl humming voice appeared, I think the feeling altered, and it is now more like I'm about to glimpse someone's face but can't see it.
Final outcome:
I combined the two feelings and attempted to express both of them at the same time. I selected two Tiffany blue colours, one bright and one dark, to portray futuristic feelings, but white in the midst to convey there is something enigmatic that I can't see. Then, erased some of the colours to improve visual quality.
Briefing - Project 1 (14/1/2022)
After some random talking with students, Dr. Charles has conducted a briefing of Project 1 as well as the exercises we are working on.
Dr. Charles asked us to particularly focus on self-exploration before we move on to our project by using various ways. Meanwhile, he also reminded us things that we should include in our exercises again to prevent us from making any mistake.
Week 03 (18/1/2022 - 20/1/2022
Public holiday- no class (18/1/2022)
Briefing #2 - Project 1 (20/1/2022)
Dr. Charles gave us an in-depth explanation of what to accomplish and how to perform project 1 after viewing some others' works and providing feedback. Dr. Charles emphasized the need of conducting self-research on oneself, which may be done in a variety of ways, like writing, sketching, using no colour at all, using a lot of color, and so on.
In the meanwhile, Dr. Charles showed us some of his self-expression work. He gave us his experience and story that was related to his profession. (And he told us he likes sunset hehe.)
Week 04 (25/1/2022- 27/1/2022)
Notes of pre-recorded video (25/1/2022)
Dr. Charles reminded us to view Dr. Jinchi's pre-recorded lecture to better comprehend the project we're working on as well as the future project. As a result, I leave class sooner than usual since Dr. Charles allows us to do so if we don't have any work to present him.
Summary of the pre-recorded video
Sense of place isn't just about drawing about a place that leaves a lasting impression on our minds; it's also about how you express your feelings about the place. Rather than merely drawing out one's feelings about a location, one might express them in a variety of ways. (Example: Instagram of Island Bazaar- photography)
In terms of sense of place, the most essential two components are:
- Observation: Observing a certain place enables us to gather enough knowledge to solve a problem and share our thoughts and ideas.
- Senses: All observations are made using our senses, which allows us to feel, understand, and analyse what we see and hear in a specified place.
Briefing - Project 2 (27/1/2022)
In this class, Dr. Charles primarily focused on providing feedback for our project in the first session, and then, to better help us understand how the "sense of place" of our next project may be, Dr. Charles utilised a really interesting way to present us in the second session.
Dr. Charles went to a park near his home for a walk.
He told us that finding a place that is related to us, a place that can bring back memories, or a place where we can express our personalities is more important, and that is why he selected this park.
Dr. Charles chose this park because, according to him, it is his favourite place where he can be completely calm and be himself every time he visits. People must always put on a mask and act as who we should on any occasion, but at this place, he may always be himself, be a kid, have different thinking and feeling.
As a result, he's attempting to demonstrate how we may go to a place that has a special place in our hearts and observe it, which can vary as the things, climates, and even we, the people change.
Week 05 (1/2/2022 - 3/2/2022)
* No classes for this week due to the Chinese New Year holiday, and mainly working on project 2: Sense of place*
Week 06 (8/2/2022 - 10/2/2022)
We mostly discuss our final project and how to construct our final blog this week. We also spoke about how to fill out our self-evaluation sheet so that we can learn to critically evaluate our own project and have the right to do so. At the same time, Dr. Charles gave us several examples of how to do our own visual analysis. This included a video essay on the divisive Batman v Superman film as a modern classic.
Visual analysis is mainly divided into three stages:
1. Observation:
Observe, see, and explain what is in an artwork, using appropriate terminology to describe and distribute components that you perceive in clarity. However, keep in mind that this procedure does not have to incorporate personal thought or imply meaning.
2. Analysis
Based on your observations, you began to study all of the parts in the composition, including the usage of design principles that is used to improve the composition's visual quality and purpose of using it.
3. Interpretation
Study the background of the work at this point, and discuss what you perceive from the piece, how it feels to you, and what the objective of producing this piece is, etc.
Week 07 (15/2/2022 - 17/2/2022)
Dr. Charles decided to make this week's lessons more flexible so that we could finish our own work better, so he stayed online and allowed us go if we didn't have any questions and wanted to concentrate on our own project.
Meanwhile, Dr. Charles keeps reminding us of the final project's specifics to keep us from making errors.
Week 01
There is no fixed way to approach how to record your weekly class sessions but think of these as entries in a journal. And your references too. Don't worry, keep going and maintain what you're doing with confidence.
Week 02
Specific feedback (Activity 1):
There is line work here and a stick person, but cleverly put in a tiny look, but you can see convergence where the line is pointing to the center, emphasizing the person in the center. In this case, it's a very interesting play of figure-ground, line work, and a good sense of asymmetry and symmetry, as well as very good balance and use of color and depth. Good job, well done.
Specific feedback (Activity 2):
This one hypnotized me, but for this one, you don’t necessarily need to see a strong line but somewhat you could make up overlapping on overs and they are blending and you could see gradient, convergence, some sense of balance and movement, but the movement is from top to down, down to the top, because of that you tend to look at the center longer.
Week 03
My discord late-night cafe will be open from 10pm onwards till 12am. If you can't sleep and work on your DP, you can pop up by! By the way, guys, try to get sketches done and each of you can get to show them in next class. Post your idea sketch in team chat so I can give you quick feedback. (Except those getting feedback via telegram before.)
Week 04
Week 05
There will be no lecture for both classes due to the holiday, however, anyone may still contact me via telegram for any project 2 feedback. Project 2 will be extended to Friday, February 11th, 2022.
Week 06
Waiting now for confirmation of final marks hand in on my side. Hang in there. Once I have info, will decide how much extension to give you for final project.
Week 07
I'm going to make the class more flexible, and I'm going to give you guys an extension till week 8, 25/2. You requested a Zoom session to show me the development of your final project, however all of these are by appointment only.
I really like how this exercise works because I feel like I'm making more straightforward yet fantastic work than if I were sitting in front of a chair and exhaustingly brainstorming ideas for a good design.
By participating in this type of activity, I realized that I have a
tendency to have great ideas for design only under a positive
environment, but I couldn't really feel that if I was under pressure
and struggling to create a design that I'd be satisfied with before
the deadline. I wish that I can spend more time training myself to draw randomly
for more wonderful creations.
Week 03
To be honest, it was still an anxious week; after finishing the exercises, I swiftly moved on to project 1, for which we only had a week to complete; yet, I was able to relax since Dr. Charles always knows what students are thinking. (Perhaps it's just me) I'm constantly worried and struggling with the deadline. But, after listening to what Dr. Charles had to say and explain about Project 1, I was able to rest. He gives confidence in me, haha.
Week 04
This week, I realized that the way we study for our assignment may be more than just looking up information on Pinterest, Google, or other websites. It may also be accomplished by visiting a certain place that has piqued your interest at the time, or a place that has left an indelible impression on you, and so on.
Week 05
*No reflection this week due to the holidays and there will be no class.*
Week 06
I've seen a number of examples, including my classmates' final projects, and it's really surprised me that they all have their own distinct artstyles and that what they did for the final project was such an unexpected and out-of-the-box option. This has encouraged me to create non-digital artwork that is unusual, original, and engaging in my future journey.
Week 07
This is the last week of the semester and our courses, and I'm reluctant since everything occurred so quickly and I'm not sure how to respond. This semester, I learned a lot of new things and met a lot of fantastic classmates with whom I can continue to learn. I can't wait to meet them in person, and I'm eager to learn more about the topics in the future! +I'll miss Dr. Charles and his cute quotes for each class's morning meeting.
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